Day Twenty-Three | Television

30 Sep

Today’s prompt for My 30 Days is:

a show you’re currently addicted to.

I’m not currently addicted to a show the same way that I would consider myself addicted to Dexter when I first started watching it. I couldn’t get enough of it in the first 2 seasons. I discussed it and analyzed it ad nauseam with fellow Dexter watchers, and hated the long drawn out days of waiting for the next episode to air. Since then, I don’t think I’ve experienced the same level of obsession with another show. I don’t know. Perhaps talk to me again when I pick up the Dexter DVDs sometime in the future and start watching the rest of the seasons.

While there are current shows that I don’t want to miss, I wouldn’t exactly say that I’m truly addicted to them. My favorite show right now is Glee. It’s like the complete opposite of the type of show that Dexter was, but oh well.

Did you all catch the most recent episode, Britney/Brittany? I love watching Heather Morris as Brittany, not only because she has some of the best laugh-out-loud lines and moments in the show, but also because she’s such a brilliant dancer. This episode gave her a really good chance to shine. The entire episode was really fun, and that’s why I love watching this every week. Even though we’re only two episodes into the season, my favorite performance has got to be Billionaire from the first episode, “Audition.” I can’t stop watching it because it’s so happy and fun and makes me want to smile all day long.

5 Responses to “Day Twenty-Three | Television”

  1. Ai September 30, 2010 at 10:12 am #

    I loved the last episode too. Brittany totally surprised me with her dance moves. And yes, her lines crack me and hubby up all the time!

  2. Maureen September 30, 2010 at 11:44 pm #

    aw man! i missed this week’s episode! i saw everyone’s tweet about how good it was. gotta find a friend who has rogers on demand or d/l’s Glee.

  3. leyla September 30, 2010 at 11:54 pm #

    I didn’t watch Glee when it first came out so I’m going to wait and watch the whole thing marathon-style when a few seasons are on DVD. it’s so much more fun to watch three episodes a night on dvd than one episode once a week 🙂

    My current obsession is Parenthood. It’s funny but the best part is that it’s super real. It’s not contrived or over the top or silly/funny, it’s just real. I love it.

    • Steph October 1, 2010 at 12:07 pm #

      Parenthood is another one of my favorites! I love the whole dynamic of that family.

  4. Elisse October 1, 2010 at 1:49 am #

    Great choice in tv show! (No, I’m not biased!) It’s nice to see more of the other characters sing on the show, especially Brittany doing Britney.

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